The New Mexico State Parks Division is reaching out to customers to provide important information regarding proposed changes to its fees structure and park rules.
State Parks has 35 locations in 25 of New Mexico’s 33 counties. State Parks rely heavily on self-generated revenue through entrance and camping fees, concessions and other related revenue streams to accomplish its mission of enhancing natural and cultural resources, providing first-class recreational and education facilities and opportunities, and promoting public safety to benefit and enrich the lives of more than 5 million visitors each year.
State Park’s current fees, which are set by rule, have not been updated in decades and have not kept pace with inflation. New Mexico State Parks are decades behind surrounding states when it comes to its fees structure.
Adjustments are necessary to better support park operations and maintain landscapes with diverse natural and cultural resources for future generations.
To address these concerns, the New Mexico State Parks Division completed an extensive evaluation of its fees structure and compared those rates to surrounding states as well as considered the impacts of inflation.
The principal objective of the Fees Study was to explore options to adjust fees to address that gap to both improve the agency’s financial position while also enhancing the Division’s mission to maintain affordable state park access for New Mexico citizens and visitors to the state.
Based on the completed study, New Mexico State Parks Division has proposed several revisions.
Key recommendations:
- Elimination of day-use fees for New Mexico residents.
- Implementation of a non-resident day-use fee.
- Eliminating Annual Passes.
- Adjusting camping and utility fees.
- Adjusting boat registration and launching fees.
- Adjusting entrance fees at Living Desert Zoo and Gardens State Park and Smokey Bear Historical Park.
The New Mexico State Parks Division is in the process of soliciting public input on its recommended rule revisions. The Division is holding informational meetings across the state to provide information on its recommendations to the public.
The public is encouraged to review ther recommendations and meeting schedule in full at